Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It Takes a Whole Lot of Faith to Believe in Evolution

Happy Earth Day to everyone. You know there has been a lot of discussion about how the earth was formed. I personally believe that the earth was created by God and I am happy to say that I have an up-to-date relationship with Him.

However, there are a lot of well meaning folks who firmly believe in the theory of evolution. In relationship to the forming of the earth, they believe in what is called the "big bang" theory. I looked up the "big bang" theory to try to find out what they really believe.

Actually, they don't really believe a whole lot. They "think" a whole lot. Some "think" everything started with a big bang some 13.7 million years ago and some chunks of rock started circling each other some how. Then somehow, some atoms of something collided with something and it made water. Then years later some other atoms and particles might have gotten together to form things that got together and formed other things.

Then, some think that our solar system was formed out of something. Then for millions of years is expanded to real cold and then shrank to real hot. Then they think it settled into something in between that made stuff start growing.

They have no evidence that any of this really happened. It's just something that they thought of. Evolution is just something somebody thought of and there has never been any concrete evidence to prove to me that evolution really happened.

I believe that God created the universe, the earth, man, and every living thing. I don't blindly accept what I believe just because some book called The Bible says so. I don't blindly accept it as fact just because my grandma told me or some Bible thumpin' preacher tells me that's what I HAVE to believe. I believe it because it is the only thing that makes sense. My mind tells me that it is the logical thing to do.

Take, for example, the stars and the planets. Our sun is one of the smallest stars in the universe. I can't believe that something exploded and shot particles of hot something-or-other in a random manner. If that was true, we would be seeing explosions in the sky from time to time as these flaming orbs flew aimlessly through space. I would have seen them, my daddy would have seen them, my grandpa would have seen them and so on back through the generations.

There had to be a Supreme Being that created the stars and the planets by design. Through sheer mathematical genius, this Supreme Being plotted courses for these objects to fly through space. Some, like the earth and our sister planets, have been orbiting the sun ever since any of my kin folk can remember. For hundreds of years, scientists and astronomers have been able to plot the courses that they run on. They can tell you exactly where certain stars will be fifty or five hundred years from now. Nothing has been done by chance.

Let's take the largest whales in the ocean. They are called baleen whales because they have no teeth. They have thick hair-like bristles instead. They eat by sucking in sea water, blowing the water out of their blow hole and swallowing what is stuck in those bristles. These 60-100 foot giants live on small 2" marine animals called krill. It takes 2,200 pounds of krill to fill one whale's stomach.

Think for a minute. If the whales had evolved and the krill didn't evolve fast enough, then these baleen whales would have died from starvation. But, they don't. The Supreme Being that we call God created enough krill and caused them to multiply in the appropriate proportions to feed every baleen whale that has ever lived.

If evolution was true, then there would be millions of fossils of animals that only lived for a short time but for some reason died because it couldn't sustain it's own life. People that dig up and study fossils have failed to come up with anything of the sort.

Trees grow and reproduce with measured precision. I plant my roses and they bloom the same every year. Cats always reproduce cats that look the same as they always did. Paintings of cats 500 years ago look just like the cats we see today.

If there was such a thing as evolution, it would be going on today. But it doesn't and it hasn't. That's why I say that it takes a whole lot of faith to believe in evolution. It doesn't make sense. Different people see it differently. And there is no concrete proof of evolution. It's just a theory.

The only reasonable answer that I can come up with is that, "In the beginning God..." It all started because God spoke the stars and planets into existence. He gauged each one and gave it a course to run. Astronomers can plot their movements with precision.

Because I believe that what God said about things I can see and feel is true, I also believe what He said about the future of the human race. He declared that there is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun. Man was created to live eternally and he will spend the rest of his eternity in only one of those places. I believe that His Son, Jesus Christ, died on a cross and rose from the dead for my sins to give me the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven. Why? I trust what God said about creation is true. Therefore, if I can believe what He said about the past is true, I can believe what He said about the future of mankind is also true. And it's my intelligent choice to serve Him all of my days.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why Did God........?

The ninth chapter of John poses a very interesting question with an equally challenging answer.

When Jesus and His disciples came across a man who was blind from birth, they asked this question in verse 2--NIV--"Why was this man born blind? Was is a result of his own sins or those of his parents?"
3--"It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins," Jesus answered, "He was born blind so the power of God could be seen in him."

God doesn't bring sickness. Sickness is a result of Adam turning his earthly authority over to Satan. Satan brought sickness and death into the world. The cause of blindness goes all the way back to Adam.

BUT Jesus teaches us in this story that it is God's plan to turn something bad into something good. That is His heart. That is His very nature. That is the reason He sent His Son to die and be resurrected. It is God's will to turn bad situations into ones that will bring glory to Him.

The power of God was not seen in the man being born blind. Don't choke on the devil's false humble pie by saying that God gets glory from allowing bad stuff to happen and we just have to put up with it.

The power of God was seen in this man when he obeyed what Jesus told him to do and received his healing. If you were to ask this man about the years of being born blind, he would probably admit that he was glad to have been blind because he got the experience of being healed. The glory of God is manifested when His Word comes to pass and we are delivered and set free.

Why did Paul write in 1 Thessalonians 5:18--In everything give thanks? He didn't mean for us to give thanks FOR the junk we're going through at the moment. He meant for us to praise God in advance for His glory that will be revealed in us when He honors His Word and delivers us.

The more junk we go through and/or the longer it takes to get through it, the more verbal we ought to be about praising God. The harder it is and/or the longer it takes just means that we will see a greater manifestation of God's power when He answers our prayer. If it DOES take longer than expected, our praises to Him for answered prayer ought to grow in relationship to the problem. The harder the battle the sweeter the victory.

Here's something that Jesus says in that next verse that I bet you have missed. Verse 4--All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the One who sent Me. Did you catch it? Jesus said ALL OF US are supposed to be doing something quickly. ALL OF US are to be carrying out our assigned tasks.

What tasks? Well....what task did the blind man have to carry out? He was born blind and he had to go through the suffering until God healed him. He suffered with it for years. BUT, there came a certain day and there came a certain hour and there came a certain moment in that man's life when all of his suffering came to an end.

Jesus changed everything in that man's life when he restored his sight. All the anguish, the hurt and the disappointment was TOTALLY destroyed in a moment of time when he obeyed what Jesus told him to do and received his sight. Can you even imagine the amount of joy that must have flooded his soul when he saw for the first time? Where was his heartache now? It was gone. Where were his endless questions about the mercy of God? They were turned into praise because God did what He said He would do.

What burden have you been carrying? What are you going through right now that you shouldn't rightly have to go through? Have you carried the weight of sin or sickness or poverty longer than you felt you should? Then follow Paul's advice and the blind man's testimony. Give God a shout of praise right in the middle of the agony and disappointment because He is working on your miracle right now.

And when God manifests His glory in your situation, your friends will rejoice with you. Like the blind man, your enemies might give you fits but that's OK. No matter how the Pharisees mistreated him, they couldn't take away from him the fact that he was healed.

So, let's go ahead and praise the Lord in the middle of adverse circumstances. It doesn't matter how hard they are. And it doesn't matter how long it's been. God's answer will totally obliterate all of the heartache that you are going through at the moment.

You Were Created for this Battle

Eph. 6:12--For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against powers, against the world forces of this darkness, a...