Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Eph. 6:10--Jesus Knew Who He Was

Let me elaborate on this subject before we go on. It will do you good.

One of the first things you might say is, "Of course, Jesus knew who He was." My answer to you is that when I get through explaining my statement, I hope you will realize who you are not.

First of all, Jesus found out who He was when Mary was holding Him on her lap. From the time He could understand, she began to tell Him the truth and not whimsical children's tales. She told Him God came to her before she got married and wanted her to give birth to His Son. She told the story the same way every time she told it. Why? Because she told Him the truth every time. She held back nothing from Him about His birth. Most especially, she told Jesus everything His Heavenly Father told her about His life.

That's about an hour's sermon in just one paragraph. If moms AND dads would spend more time holding their young children and telling them about their Heavenly Father, crime would be non-existent. Aren't you glad this article isn't about moms and dads?

Eph. 6:10 starts off by admonishing us to be strong in the Lord. According the Psalm 139, the moment we were created in our mother's womb, God had a purpose in mind for us. He could tell by the chromosome match up just what kind of job we were best suited for and what would make us completely happy. All through our lives, He tries to get us to understand that. That's where trials come from. God is trying to turn us in the direction we are suited for.

Think about Jesus' life for a while. You don't see Him trying to be one of the priests in Jerusalem. You don't see him trying to start His own brand of synagogues all over the place. As a matter of fact, they ran Him out of the ones He tried to minister in. You don't see him trying to gather people together to overthrow the Roman government. That wasn't what He was created to do.

Jesus knew that His Father wanted Him to do two things. First of all, God wanted Jesus to show everybody what He was really like. Obviously, the rulers of the Jews had no clue. That's why people swarmed around Jesus. They sensed the love and presence of the Almighty Creator God in Him. The heart of every angry sinner is wandering here and there crying out to know their Creator.

Here's a tip: When your life portrays, from the heart, the compassion, grace and very presence of God, Jesus will draw all men to you. No matter what you're doing. No matter where you're at. No matter if you're ordained or not. No matter if you have ANY office in the church or you have EVERY office in the church. Sinners don't want a phony baloney church officer, they want their Creator.

You might be holding some position in the church and nothing seems to be clicking. You might WANT to hold some position in the church because nobody else wants to do it. That is the wrong thing to do. You want a position? Here's a position for you. Stand in the very presence of God for as long as you can stand it. After a while, you'll know what to do.

Second of all, Jesus knew that He was supposed to be scorned, mocked and spat upon. And He was fine with that. He knew that His own kinsmen wouldn't believe in Him at first. And He was fine with that. Since He was the oldest son in the family, He spent the first thirty years of His life working hard to make a living for His mother. There was no ministry involved. No crowds to preach to. No miracles going on. Just, Jesus, do this. Jesus do that. Jesus you're supposed to do this. And Jesus was fine with that.

He knew that His Father had a time for His ministry and He was patient for it down to the last minute before He performed His first miracle. He waited for His Father's instructions as to when He should show Himself to the nation. And when it was time to suffer and die according to His Father's command, He quietly obeyed.  Why? Just because His Daddy said so? No, because His Daddy said that His death was not the end. His death would be the beginning. You see God doesn't follow our pre-conceived rules. For that matter, He doesn't obey ANY of our rules at all.

What this lesson boils down to is this. Do you know who you are? Are you working in the church and it is so boring that you can hardly stand it? Is nothing happening right? Is it dry and uncomfortable? You're probably standing in somebody else's place. You're probably trying to do something you were not created to do.

God doesn't create failures. Man fails because he tries to do things on his own. I know that every job in the church is important. BUT, the most important things for us to do is to spend however much time we need to with our Heavenly Father to find out who we really are. You might not be a pastor. You might not be a youth leader. You might be an author. You might be a singer. You might be an evangelist.

Stop what you're doing now and wait on God until you know beyond a shadow of a doubt who you really are and what you really are called to do. You won't have to strain at it. You won't have to fuss with it. There will come an anointing with it that will flow through you like an overflowing well springing up from inside of you.

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